
Unique city walk via QR

Explore historic Oudenaarde

With over a thousand years on the clock, it should come as no surprise that Oudenaarde has a rich history. Most inhabitants of Oudenaarde know the city like the back of their hand; those who are still exploring can now call on a helping hand along the way.

On a number of important historical buildings you will find a QR code that leads you to the past of the building with explanations and some photos from the old days. You can easily scan the QR code with the camera on your smartphone. 

The historical information is available in Dutch, English and French.

Find out which historical attractions

This map shows you which monuments and buildings have QR codes.

Heb je het plezier zelf te wonen in een beschermd monument en deel je graag de geschiedenis van je pand met de wereld?
Aarzel niet om te mailen naar visit@oudenaarde.be met je suggestie.