
The Outsider

Adventure and nature, so close

Fond of adventure? Then the outdoor park at the Donkvijvers in Oudenaarde is an absolute must. The 40-hectare recreation park, run by The Outsider, promises not one, but seven, highlights: the "Seven Summits". A total experience at a mere stone's throw from the city centre.

The Outsider = 7 X fun

  1. The cable park is the all-time favourite of all water enthusiasts. Across the water, you can spot a water-ski cable track. Super cool for knee boarding, water skiing or wakeboarding. The nice thing about it is that you can have a go even with zero experience. The 2.0 cable track is ideal for starting water-sports enthusiasts, whereas the 5.0 is slightly more challenging.
  2. The barefoot path: aka natural foot massage ... pebbles, sand, mud. Bring it on!
  3. The Pantanal marsh trail: teetering over the swampy marshland via bridges, poles and nets. Jungle scenes Brazilian-style.
  4. Speleo course: the sensational world of dark, impenetrable forests. Not for sissies!
  5. Pedalo or kayak tour: an exciting expedition to a desert island.
  6. Blue Diamond Climbing Tower: the antics reach a climax ... literally. Swinging over ropes, under bridges and other obstacles. Climbing, crawling, ... everything to reach the 16-meter tall, diamond-shaped climbing tower.
  7. The Seven Summits have now been expanded to include even more sporty and adventurous activities, including an escape room Oudenaarde-style, a surprising folk game named the ‘Bolletra’, a laser battle, ... too many to mention.

A la carte adventure for everyone

The less adventurous will get just as much out of this exclusive setting. After all, not all activities are for daredevils. It’s up to you to choose the level of difficulty. Even people who are physically restricted in their abilities can join in the adventure. The park, the restaurant and even some activities are barrier-free. It goes without saying that children have the craziest adventures at this amusement park.

Beach bar on the banks of the Donk

The Lake House is the place to be for those who just want to chill out or as a fun ending. The experience of a beach bar ... in the Flemish Ardennes. Or do you prefer the rooftop bar? A lounge atmosphere with a cocktail in your hand. Instant holiday feeling guaranteed!

In the middle of nature, on the banks of the Donk, you can even spend the night. As long as it’s adventurous. Is camping in concrete drainage pipes (thuisbuizen) surprising enough for you?

Did you know?

At The Outsider, they try to strike the perfect balance between nature experience and adventure. That was, in fact, the opinion of the jury of the international green competition Entente Florale Europe. In 2019, The Outsider received European recognition for their efforts in the field of nature policy, sustainability and environmental education.

Manager Hendrik Vandemarliere cites a few examples: "The cable track is powered by an electric motor, which has as little impact on the environment as possible". Another example: "We deliberately do not organise paintball, because those paintballs are polluting. Instead, you can engage in a laser battle here”.