
An amazing townhall

You really should visit Oudenaarde’s Late Gothic town hall, the belfry of which belongs to UNESCO World Heritage. You start your tour of the interior in the adjacent 14th-century cloth makers’
hall, which was recently renovated and has now become the new home for original tapestries made in Oudenaarde. Via the staircase or the new lift in the town hall you will find your way to the refurbished old chapel, the Oppervoogdenkamer (Chief Custodians’ Chamber) with an 18thcentury  gallery and the big Silver Room where the unique De Boever-Alligoridès collection of the silversmith’s trade is exhibited in all its splendour. Furthermore, you will be truly amazed by the impressive Volkszaal (People’s Hal), which is decorated with murals and stained-glass windows referring to Charles V, and the richly adorned Schepenzaal (Aldermen’s Room) with its Renaissance porch and portrait gallery of sovereigns.

  • duration: 2 hours
  • price: € 60 for the guided tour + entrance fee: 4 2 per person
  • max. 20 people per guide
  • the visit includes : • tapestry and silver collection • People's Hall and Aldermen's Room
  • No visits on Monday or when the Halls are rented out.